Soon after I arrived to Thingeyri, walking around town with cameras, I started to see landscapes that were reflected on large windows surfaces. The reflection was almost so perfect, so still, like a mirror, as if I were looking at a real landscape. It didn’t take me too long to grab my 6x7 camera and to start photographing people’s windows at night.
What most excites me is that what I see in the window reflection is the reverse image of the actual landscape. What is seen is not seen exactly as it is. I found this paradoxical camouflage to be emotionally beautiful and with endless echoes. The glass window separates private from public, yet its transparency calls for an immediate intimacy and openness in an illusionistic way.
Most of the images that are shown here were photographed from 10pm till 2am, under the dark blue light. There was no complete darkness during any of these nights that I was photographing.
One morning, I met a woman at a swimming pool. We chatted about her hometown in the Faroe Islands and my residency experience in Thingeyri. I found out that she worked at gas station where I photographed the most every night. She said she would come to see my work at open studio, and she did. I showed her the work-in-progress window reflection photos from the gas station. After looking though the images, she said she would leave the gas station blinds open at night, so that I could take more photos. When I saw the blinds left open at the gas station, I almost cried.
It was the best reflection I’ve ever seen. That night was the last day of residency, and I finished my last roll of film and filled up my memory cards.